Demand Forecast
Accurate AutoML time series forecast API

More accurate forecast means more effective supply chain
Replace consensus forecasts with a unified view of demand
More accurate demand forecasts lead to fewer stock-outs, which are translated to higher revenue and customer satisfaction. Advanced analytics has been proven to forecast with higher accuracy than traditional methods that rely on experience.
Moreover, algorithms can forecast at the most granular level, empowering operating staff with microscopic insights that they never had before.

Automated. Versatile

The Convect Forecast system gives you AI-powered tools to generate forecast for a multitude of business use cases:
- Different time horizons: sales in the next 28 days, or between the 25th and 36th weeks, or anything above and below
- Different product groups: demand for each SKU at each store, or a whole category in a country
- Different forecast targets: sales volume, revenue, or number of online and offline orders
And it's all powered by a completely automated machine learning forecasting engine.
Open APIs
Use our APIs to seamlessly integrate the decision engine in your existing business processes. Import data in multiple formats. Call the planning API to create the optimal inventory, production, or logistic plan based on customizable business constraints. Export the plan to your existing ERP system. This can be done without your worrying about the complexity of the computing infrastructure.


Auto Segmentation
Classifies products based on seasonality, sales velocity, and other demand patterns.

New Products
Works well for newer products that have a short history of sales data.

Machine Learning
Machine learning based algorithms let you understand factors that drive demand.

Any Time Granularity
Get weekly forecast for a year, or hourly forecast for a day, or anything in between.

Product Groups
Forecast for each SKU at each store, or a whole category in a region.

Not Just Sales
Use the same system to forecast revenue, in-store traffic, online order count, etc.
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